My Journey into Parenthood

May 28, 2017

I used to be scared of having kids. I thought becoming a parent would mean losing my cool life and trading it for endless chores and chaos. Seeing stressed-out parents with wild kids around me made my fears worse.

But when I became a parent, everything changed. It was like flipping a switch. Suddenly, I felt a strong need to protect all kids, not just my own. My old views on parenting were based on seeing things go wrong.

I missed the beautiful moments of raising a child. In the quiet times, you see how peaceful kids can be. These moments are priceless. It could be as simple as going somewhere together, tucking them into bed, or pushing them on swings.

My childhood memories also gave me a wrong idea about parenting. As a mischievous kid, I saw parents as strict enforcers. I didn’t realize the good times until I had my own kids. Children become more than just loved ones; they become friends. They’re interesting, and playing with them is fun.

Parenting isn’t easy, though. There are tough times and scary moments. It’s true that having kids can affect your productivity. Kids have schedules, and as a parent, you have to work around them. This means working at the same time every day, whether you feel like it or not.

Despite these challenges, I adapted. If work can only be done at certain times, then that’s when it gets done. While I don’t get as much done as before, I still get enough done.

Having kids can also change your goals. Your focus often shifts to your children instead of your own projects. But this doesn’t mean you lose your ambition. If anything, it should push you to do more.

Looking back, I miss the freedom I had before becoming a parent, but I realize I didn’t make the most of it. As a parent, I find true happiness far outweighs my childless years.

Every parenting experience is unique, and I feel lucky. I believe many people share the fears I had before becoming a parent. But the joy that children bring is something all parents understand.

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Written by Phong Tran who lives and works in Tokyo building useful things. You can follow him on Twitter

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