Beyond Smart

May 28, 2020

People often think Einstein's intelligence was what made him special. But what really set him apart was his ability to come up with groundbreaking ideas. While being smart is important, it's not the same as being innovative. Many smart people don't make big contributions or achieve much.

When we were kids, we might have thought that being smart was the ultimate goal. But as we grow up, we realize that coming up with new ideas is more valuable than just being smart. If you had to choose between being super smart but not discovering anything new, or being less smart but generating lots of new ideas, the second option is better. This is because new ideas drive progress and change.

Even though we might understand this, it can still feel strange because society often values intelligence more. Intelligence is easier to measure, and we are judged by it from a young age. Plus, new ideas are a relatively recent focus in human history, so society hasn't fully appreciated their importance yet.

So, why don't some smart people discover new things? There must be other factors at play besides intelligence. The good news is that many of these factors can be developed. Unlike intelligence, which is mostly inborn, these other factors give us more control over our lives and make them more interesting.

One key factor is having a deep interest in a specific topic. Another is independence. While these traits are partly inborn, they can also be nurtured. Hard work, getting enough sleep, managing stress, having the right collaborators, and working on what you love are also crucial. Basically, anything that helps us do great work can lead to new ideas.

Interestingly, being able to write well is also important. Some ideas are best discovered through writing essays and books. Writing is a form of thinking, and if you're not good at it or don't enjoy it, it can limit your ability to come up with new ideas.

The gap between intelligence and new ideas is fascinating. Instead of seeing it as wasted potential, we can see it as a chance to better understand how discoveries are made. By identifying and developing the factors that lead to new ideas, we can make more significant contributions.

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Written by Phong Tran who lives and works in Tokyo building useful things. You can follow him on Twitter

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