The Profound Art of Thought

September 28, 2023

The human brain is an amazing result of evolution, giving us the ability to think. Yet, it's ironic that many people avoid thinking deeply. As the philosopher Bertrand Russell said, "Most men would rather die than think, but many do." This makes us wonder why people often avoid thinking.

Why does thinking, a natural human activity, cause such strong reactions? Is it because we're afraid of our own thoughts or the unknown? Or maybe it's because having too many choices makes us unable to decide? These questions are complex and tied to the mysteries of the human mind.

Today, our busy lives leave little time for reflection. We're surrounded by distractions, with endless information and entertainment fighting for our attention. It's easy to get so busy that we don't take time to think. We end up living on autopilot, losing our individuality, creativity, and ability to make good decisions.

Thinking isn't just a mental process; it's an art that needs patience, courage, and discipline. It means digging deep into our minds, facing our fears, and questioning our beliefs. It's about understanding the world and finding answers to life's big questions.

Thinking requires us to step away from our busy lives and spend time in our own minds. It means breaking free from routine and daring to question and imagine. It's a rebellion against a monotonous life, a search for truth, and a journey towards understanding ourselves.

To think is to explore the wilderness of our minds and seek truth. It's about challenging the norm and embracing uncertainty. It's choosing a different path and embarking on a journey that's both exciting and scary. In the end, we shouldn't fear death, but a life without thought.

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Written by Phong Tran who lives and works in Tokyo building useful things. You can follow him on Twitter

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